Anna love nectar x reader
Anna love nectar x reader

anna love nectar x reader

…I was astounded to see how many of the profound truths that Anna tries to express and ‘educate’ Fynn in, actually fit so snugly within the sublime revelations that were given to the world by the incarnation garbed as a saint … But in the intervening years between then (when I first read Anna I was 18 and in college) and now, it so happened that I had some sort of calling and became a student of and later, a dedicated promoter (like a postman delivers mail, I share the books if these teachings to whoever participated in the devotional programs I organized regularly at the local temple of Lord Krishna or at gatherings in homes of my friends and our congregation.)…Īnd yesterday when I started re reading this treasure if a book, (I just want to share a little pointer here for anyone who might be inclined towards the philosophy of such profound, sensitive love in theology….something very personal for me in my spiritual journey… When I first read Anna, I had no book-knowledge of spirituality or religion although I always did believe in God. I simply wish to express my overwhelming gratitude to Flynn, Anna and to Mr God for giving them to us and particularly into my heart once again! thank you thank you thank you Fynn!!!! Mister God surely held your hand and allowed your heart to pour out of it…otherwise it wd not have been possible for anyone to convey the experience of your (Flynn’s) being so in love with, so bewitched by Tich (Anna). I wish I could meet him and spend days together just romping around and talking about Anna. so Anna is an angel and makes all us readers enlivened with love and joy… but I feel so indebted to Fynn for his beautiful way of writing and actually giving Anna to us…. I think I learned to fly in my heart again …. Yesterday, after perhaps 30 years, I started reading this jewel of a book again… how it wrung my heart with joy. Wonderful comment (TQ Karen!!) on a perfect review! (TQ Bookpoly!!) The other amazing thing about this book is the accompanying pictures by William Papas. There would be food for thought for anyone here, even atheists, because beneath the subject matter is simply a little girl overcome with wonder at the world around her, and weren’t we all like that once? I’m Pagan, so I don’t really believe in “Mister God” but while the themes of the book are religious, I didn’t feel that they were necessarily Christian or promoting organised religion, but were more spiritual and thoughtful. It is, at its heart a religious novel, but you don’t have to be religious for it to move you. There is so many amazing ideas in this book that It could easily be the basis of its own religion. The author is stated as Fynn, and the story is told through his eyes, but when I did a little digging I found that the man behind this book is actually Sydney Hopkins and to my amaze/excitement I found that he wrote two sequels: Anna’s Book and Anna and the Black Knight. Fynn soon discovers that Anna is no ordinary little girl she is a firecracker of curiosity and wonder, always asking questions and creating theories about how the world works, especially when It comes to Mister God (as she calls him). Fynn sees that Anna needs a home and has been abused so he takes her back to his humble abode to live with him, his mother and the other waifs and runaways they have taken in. It revolves around a little girl called Anna, who at the tender age of five is found by a young man called Fynn, alone in the middle of the night on the streets of East-end, London. All I can say is that it is one of the most beautiful, philosophical little books I’ve ever read. It would be like trying to describe a religious revelation – it is an individual experience.

anna love nectar x reader

But on Friday I went to Joondalup Library for a school excursion, and the last time I went to Joondalup, I was reading Mister God this is Anna for the first time, so I thought that was push enough to spread the word. I’ve been putting off posting this review, not because It was a dud but because there is so much I want to say about this jewel of a book.

Anna love nectar x reader