During naval battle, submarines may be hidden under certain circumstances, which protects them from attack.Ĭonvoys are ships which carry land units, resources, reinforcements, and lend-lease equipment across water.
Submarine (SS): Cheap, slow, and stealthy, submarines are frequently used as convoy raiders and minelayers. Beyond their basic armament, they can be outfitted with additional guns to increase their effectiveness against other screen ships, or torpedoes to threaten capital ships. They also boast relatively low fuel requirements. Both of these roles call for a sufficient quantity of ships, and destroyers are the most economical vessel to produce in the numbers required. Destroyers are also ideally suited to convoy escort missions. During battle, they can form the bulk of a screening line to protect capital ships from torpedoes. Destroyer (DD): As the lightest screen ships, the strength of destroyers lies in their numbers. When dedicated to firepower, they excel at destroying other screens. When equipped with airplane catapults, they can serve as excellent scouts. Light cruiser (CL): Tougher and more expensive than destroyers, light cruisers are highly versatile and can be outfitted for a range of roles. Screen ships are named for their ability to protect capital ships and convoys from torpedoes during naval battles. Outside of naval battle, carriers may also be used as mobile air bases. Once these hurdles have been surmounted, carrier air wings can vie for control of the air and deal bomb damage to enemy ships during naval battle. The combined fuel cost of a carrier and its air wings can be considerable. Carrier (CV): Carriers are expensive to build, and are populated by specialised aircraft which must be built separately as well. With the lightest armor of any capital ship, heavy cruisers have low survivability against battlecruisers and battleships. Heavy cruiser (CA): Heavy cruisers share the same hull as light cruisers, and are distinguished by their heavier guns. Although they can withstand less damage than a battleship, their lighter weight also makes them faster and harder to hit. Battlecruiser (BC): Battlecruisers share the same hull as battleships, but are distinguished by somewhat lighter armor and a lower construction cost. Battleships are expensive and take some time to build.
They can also deal considerable damage of their own. Battleship (BB): With their heavy armor, battleships are capable of surviving substantial amounts of incoming fire from the enemy battle line.However, they are also prohibitively expensive and take a very long time to build. SHBBs are powerful enough to remain a potent threat throughout the game despite the lack of hull iterations. Unlike other hulls which receive new iterations over the years, there is only one SHBB hull in the tech tree. Super heavy battleship (SHBB): SHBBs are particularly powerful and heavily-armored battleships, based upon a dedicated SHBB hull.Hull types and their corresponding ship type(s) are listed below: For example, cruiser hulls can serve as the basis for light cruisers or heavy cruisers depending upon the type of guns that are fitted. Some hull types may serve as the foundation for more than one ship type, depending upon the modules that are fitted during the design of a given ship variant. variants) that can be produced by dockyards.Īt the start of the game, each country will have a selection of pre-existing ship variants available for production, based upon hull types which have already been researched. These slots can be populated by modules via the Ship Designer in order to form complete ship designs (a.k.a.
Each hull type contains a number of module slots. Hulls are the foundational component of ships, and are unlocked through research.