Repeat this except use volley of curses or something else as necessary any time boomerang pulse is on cooldown.

Stand right behind the melee DPS players and start off by spamming metamorphic blast until both it and metamorphic smite are on cooldown - the sign of this is your character will be standing motionless even though you are spamming the button. I just have the tier 2 energetic on gloves and wrap, then grounded tier 2 on boots and armor, like normal. But maybe if you have a secondary ambush belt you could put crit/crit there or whatever. I still run HP/HP on my belt (in RMHM) since the extra power from ambush makes it worth it vs. I have all ambush with blue power innerwear. With these glyph point savings, now I glyphed metamorphic blast and smite damage and CDR. I also removed the endurance debuff from a volley of curses, since the priest’s plague is better and they don’t stack.(Alternatively, you can remove the 10% endurance buff from the thrall of protection, as it is rather unnecessary with the current console dungeon buffs.) For now, I just glyphed self-vow and CDR. I only glyphedcasting speed and HP/MP for resurrecting, since my team dies very infrequently. Maybe you will use forceful instead of carving. For crystals: bitter, savage, focused, carving. I put double enraged, 6% damage, and CDR.